scott fields

music for all occasions

Scott Fields, musician

It's the stingy man who spends the most

10 years ago I set the Samuel Beckett radio play "Cascando" for the New World Records CD "Samuel." By the time we had slogged through the other tunes in the recording session, it was clear that Cascando wouldn't fit on the CD. Hollenbeck said "We have time. Let's track it anyway." The other two looked ready to strangle him, especially Schubert who had required oxygen after tracking "Not I."

When I agreed to record "Barclay" for Clean Feed Records, the third and final CD of my Beckett project, I figured I was ahead of the game. One piece was already written. A few edits and it would be ready to go.

This plan has failed. Not only does Cascando sound as though I wrote it 10 years ago, it is horrifyingly similar to "Rockabye," from the Clean Feed CD "Beckett."

After cutting and pasting for a day, I now realize that I have to start over from scratch.